Last week’s Mystery Photo was mistaken for numerous iconic buildings throughout the state, but the winner, Diane Christen of Kingfield, knew it was from the Herbert Hotel, just down the road from the Kingfield Woodsman, a popular restaurant she owned and operated for 27 years. When notified of her winning, she shared her connection with the hotel: “I was the bookkeeper there 30 years ago when Bud Dick ran the hotel. When I was hired by Bud, my neighbor, Faye, and I were hired for the same position. We decided between us that she would do reservations and I would keep the books. After that we found ourselves wallpapering, painting, serving breakfast and doing whatever we could to get the place renovated and ready for guests. That was during the ’80s, when our slogan, ‘Meetcha Under The Moose,’ was popular, because there was a moose head hung over the fireplace.”

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