I find it hard to understand the left’s reaction to Donald Trump’s victory over their beloved Hillary Clinton. As we all know, the Democrats are a party of enlightenment, tolerance and compromise. By comparison, the reaction of the mean conservatives when John McCain and Mitt Romney were defeated was — wow, no riots.

Tea party rallies were peaceful with an agenda. The people who attended left the property where they held their rallies neat and orderly. The few incidents that did occur were often by left wing plants.

By comparison, rallies by the Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter movements (both strongly supported by the left) were generally riots, damaging property and violence toward the public and police, their ranks being infiltrated by paid thugs.

I have watched the recent rallies and college class walkouts, and I feel so bad for those poor students who have so much experience and wisdom. (By the way, many did not vote.) They need to get over it and accept their defeat; do some soul searching and give the new president a chance.

Larry Carrier, Sabattus

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