NORWAY — Voters at a special town meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1, will decide whether to increase the amount of money authorized at a December 2015 town meeting from $100,000 to $111,849.

Voters at the meeting at the Municipal Building will be asked to appropriate money for a sewer project that went overbudget.

On Dec. 3, 2015, voters unanimously agreed to fund a $200,000 project to replace failing sewer pipes crossing Pennesseewassee Stream.

Town Manager David Holt said the pipes near Aubuchon Hardware on Route 26 were about 50 years old and are supposed to run over the streambed but have been sinking and causing problems.

He said the town well is just downstream of the pipes, and should they fail, it could cause major problems for the area.

The 2015 vote approved the appropriation of $100,000 and authorized the treasurer and Board of Selectmen chairman to borrow another $100,000.

However, Holt said that the project, which was completed earlier this year, went overbudget.

“We spent more on the project than we initially thought,” Holt said, “but I don’t think we could’ve done it for any less money. I think that we underestimated some of the costs to begin with. We planned this a year in advance.”

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