Lesson: Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.

Example: In 2000, the chosen successor of a popular, two-term Democratic president won the popular vote but lost the presidency to an incoherent, wealthy Republican with a famous last name who bankrupted a few businesses before going into politics. He enacted massive tax cuts that the country couldn’t pay for, installed a series of unqualified friends, loyalists and retreads from previous administrations into high government positions and refused to regulate Wall Street, all of which led to the near total collapse of the national economy and a recession that the nation has not fully recovered from.

Sixteen years later, the chosen successor of a popular, two-term Democratic president won the popular vote but lost the presidency to an incoherent, wealthy Republican with a famous last name who bankrupted a few businesses before going into politics. He wants to enact massive tax cuts that the country can’t pay for, is currently installing a series of unqualified friends, loyalists and retreads from previous administrations into high government positions and has made deregulating Wall Street one of his top priorities.

Well done, America.

Chad Crosskill, Lisbon

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