Recently, I read an opinion piece by Glen Beck in which he wrote that he understands Democrats’ angst but that “They shouldn’t fear Donald Trump the way I feared Barack Obama.”

I thank him for trying to assuage people’s fear, but he is way off base. An equivalent statement might be, “I understand your uncertainty about Donald Trump. I had an experience once like that when I wasn’t sure about my homeroom teacher.”

There was never anything to be feared about Obama. Some people may have fallen prey to lies the far right were circulating about him, but there was no evidence (a term many Republicans struggle with).

Obama has never disrespected Muslims, Latinos or the disabled, He has never sicced his security forces on protesters. He has never made obscene statements about women, nor have 19 women come forward with allegations of sexual predatory behavior. And, please, don’t use the “boy talk” card. If a 61-year-old man acts like a boy, he is character disordered.

My problem is that I cannot respect Trump. What is there to respect? The first several years of a child’s life are critically important to personal development. Generally, that is the time they are more often with their mother.

I know Trump is entertaining; but curious, diligent and well informed?

Quite honestly, if I had a serious problem, I would want a steady, thoughtful, well-trained and kind person to help me solve it.

Jenny Orr, West Paris

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