LIVERMORE — Town Clerk Renda Guild told selectpersons Tuesday night that a recount has been called for the House District 74 race between Keith Cornelio and Tina Riley, both of Jay.

Cornelio received 2,298 votes and Riley got 2,359, a difference of 61 votes.

“The state police will be here to pick up the ballots tomorrow,” Guild said.

District 74 includes Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls.

In other business, selectpersons appointed Sherry Baker as General Assistance director. She takes over from Deputy Clerk Jean Tardif who asked this month that she be replaced.

Tardif recommended Baker, one of the temporary office workers hired in September, to the position.


“She will be a very good fit,” Tardif said. 

Selectpersons voted to hire Cea Jay Pitcher, pending proof of insurance, to plow sidewalks on the Route 4 bridge over the Androscoggin River. Pitcher bid $90 per storm of up to 12 inches. That amount would double for bigger storms. He was the only bidder.

Livermore pays initially to have the bridge plowed and bills Livermore Falls for its share of clearing the bridge sidewalks.

In other business, Administrative Assistant Amy Byron told selectpersons the new sand/salt shed has been filled. She will contact engineer Scott Braley to take care of minor details such as adjusting the large door and fix the fan. 

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