JAY — Gov. Paul LePage told members of the New Life Baptist Church during a special Veterans Day service Sunday that he is “hoping and praying” Donald Trump will make good on his campaign promises.

The governor talked about his support of the president-elect and praised veterans, servicemen and first responders for service to their towns and country. 

Many local veterans and first responders were present. Police and firefighters from Jay, Wilton and Livermore Falls were each thanked and rewarded with a special gift. 

Pastor Chris Grimbilas was happy to see so many first responders in the crowd and wanted it to be known. “We would like to send a note of appreciation to thank you for the time you took out of your day to be here,” he said.

He said it took him about two months to plan LePage’s visit for Veterans Day. 

“We know the governor has a large place in his heart for veterans,” Grimbilas said. 


Before addressing veterans, LePage commented on the recent presidential election, saying it was no secret that he supported President-elect Donald Trump 

“I was in support of him for a reason no one would ever even imagine,” LePage said. “I believed he was the man who could save this country.”

The governor added that since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, “I have seen the American people who want to take back this country.”

He said the election of Republican Trump, who has never held political office or served in the military,” was about the media, the pop culture of Hollywood, the inbred politicians in Washington. It was all about we the American people become serfs to an elite class of people. The American people stood up and said no more. And that’s where we’re going.”

LePage added, “I’m hoping and praying now that Trump does what he said he would.” 

LePage continued by remembering the Vietnam war. “There were two groups, the anti-war and the pro-war,” he said. “I was a pro-war. I was with our government.”


He praised veterans of many wars.

“The good thing is,” he said, “these soldiers, from the greatest generation of World War II, then Korea, and Vietnam, truly set the stage for the young people for the future.”

LePage said he was proud of servicemen. “I am so proud to walk up to military men and thank them for their service to this country. Because nowadays, they’re not forced to do it. They volunteered to do it. And we go and fight foreign wars so we can keep this land that we live in free — free of oppression.” 

He added, “Since 1776, since we fought the Revolutionary (War), the Civil War, the world wars, Maine has led the charge to be in the military. We have the highest population of military personnel, top one or two. We lead the nation with percentage of population who serve, and that says a lot.”

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