
Taylor Girouard hit an ace during the Pumpkin Scramble on Sunday, Oct. 30. It was witnessed by Kaitlyn Moreau, Allison Cary and Louise Tirabassi.

Sunday, Oct. 30 Pumpkin Scramble results: Gross  — 1. Jim Piper/Tim Jordan/Terry Ricker/Matt Simard 59 2. Dave Busch/Joe Baker/Joe Bryant/Mike Lavoie 61 2. Dan Cailler/Rick Miles/Jim Hood/Shaun Rugar 61 4. Tom Merrill/Glenn Tracey/CJ Bergeron/Mike Doucette 62 5. Rick Schrepper/Chad Schrepper/ Felix Lincoln/Paul Croteau 63; Net — 1. Tony Scherrer/ Candice Sanborn/Alison Jacobs/Jerry Gosselin 53 2. Greg Bourgoin/Deb Bourgoin/Tina Blauvett/Ken Blauvett 53 3. Pam Greene/ Mike Fabreau/Pete Conley/Evan Kordalski 56 3. Ryan Brann/Barry Morrill/Spencer Morrill/Joel Veilleux 56 3. Kyle Bouffard/Kelsey Bouffard/Eric Eddy/Andrew Slattery 56; Pins — No. 4 Taylor Girouard 0″ No. 9 Jace Pearson 3′ No. 11 Tom Bolduc 6′ No. 17 Joe Bryant 4’7″; Long Drives: Men: Green Tees — Justin Woodbrey; White Tees — Neil Mayo; Women — Pam Green; Best Costume — Brian Bilodeau.

2016 President’s Cup results: Champions — Joe Baker/Dave Busch; Runner-ups — Steve Bartlett/Paul Roy; Semifinalists —  Chip Morrison/Bud Willey, Bill Hird/Bill Shrader.

Oct. 28-29 MSGA Weekend results: INDIVIDUAL GROSS – INDIVIDUAL: Joe Walp 71/72, Ashley Fifield 73/69, Andrew Slattery 74/75, Curtis Jordan 74/73, INDIVIDUAL NET – INDIVIDUAL: Mark Glidden 91/65, Bruce Pelletier 95/67, Harry Haylock 81/69, Tom Cyr 80/69, INDIVIDUAL GROSS – SENIOR: Jack Harkins 77/71, Jerry York 77/72, Ron Blanchette 77/71, INDIVIDUAL NET – SENIOR: Mike Fleming 80/71, Bob Coffman 95/72, Tom Blake 93/72; TEAM GROSS: Craig Chapman, 63 / 62; Andrew Slattery, 63 / 62; Jeff Leonardo, 63 / 62; Don Flanagan, 63 / 62; Mike Doran, 64 / 61; Ashley Fifield, 64 / 61; Curtis Jordan, 64 / 61; Jeff Cole, 64 / 61; TEAM NET: Tom Cyr, 73 / 58; Bruce Pelletier, 73 / 58; Michael Harnden, 73 / 58; Mr. Larry John Bates, 73 / 58; Wayne Fillion, 66 / 60; Mike Bowie, 66 / 60; Doug Craib, 66 / 60; Jack Harkins, 66 / 60; Linzy Norris, 79 / 60; Mark Glidden, 79 / 60; Joel Greatorex, 79 / 60; Chip Brooks, 79 / 60; Mark Cloutier, 74 / 60; Paul Cloutier, 74 / 60; Tom W Cloutier, 74 / 60; Steven Andreasen, 74 / 60; SKINS: Gross # 1 – Craig Chapman 3, Net # 2 – Tom W Cloutier 2, Net # 11 – Michael Harnden 1, Gross # 14 – Brad Pattershall 3, Gross # 16 – Tom Ellsworth 3, Net # 17 – Tom W Cloutier 1, CLOSEST TO THE PIN: # 4 – Craig Chapman 3-3, # 9 – Tom Cyr 9-5, # 11 – Mike Harnden 1-4, # 17 – Don Flanagan 5-1.


Wednesday, Nov. 2 Senior League Blind Draw results: Gross — Dave Kus/Roger Maloney 73; Net — Carl Pratt/Dick Therrien 60; Pins — No. 2 Roger Maloney 6’2″ No. 8 Joe Mertzel 16’10” No. 13 Roger Maloney 6’8″

Sunday, Oct. 30 Irregular Scramble results: Gross — Trent Murphy/Tom Tiner/Sid Cohen 50; Net — 1. Rick St.Laurent/Leo Bellemare/Tom Wylie/John Murphy 53 2. Bob Cochran/Dave Kus/Roger Maloney/Rachel Newman 55; Pins — No. 2 Dave Cowan 9′ No. 8 Leo Bellemare 8′ No. 13 Trent Murphy 14’3″ No. 15 Leo Bellemare 3’3″; Team Skins: Gross — S.Bubier/K.Carver/D.Cowan/Jim Murphy No. 1 and No. 7, T.Murphy/T.Tiner/S.Cohen No. 2, B.Cochran/D.Kus/R.Maloney/R.Newman No. 10, J.Murphy/T.Wylie/R.St.Laurent/L.Bellemare No. 15 and No. 17; Net — S.Bubier/K.Carver/D.Cowan/Jim Murphy No. 1 and No. 7, T.Murphy/T.Tiner/S.Cohen No. 2, J.Murphy/T.Wylie/R.St.Laurent/L.Bellemare, No. 9, No. 15 and No. 17, B.Cochran/D.Kus/R.Maloney/R.Newman No. 10 and No. 14.

Saturday, Oct. 29 ABCD blind draw wheel results: Gross — 1. Don Rahmlow/Debbie Murphy 73 1. Dick Therrien/Rick Carleton 73 1. Ron Leeman/Ken Carver 73; Net — 1. Fred Warner/Don Rahmlow 59 1. Tom Crocker/Gerry Laroche 59; Pins — No. 2 Don Rahmlow 21′ No. 8 Fred Warner 8’8″ No. 13 Jim Fennessy 7’2″ No. 15 Jim Fennessy 32’3″; Skins: Gross — Ken Carver No. 4 and No. 7, Gerry Laroche No. 9, Rick Carleton No. 11, Don Rahmlow No. 17; Net — Jim Fennessy No. 2, Rachel Newman No. 3, Ken Carver No. 4 and No. 7, Gerry Laroche No. 9, Rick Carleton No. 11 and No. 15, Dick Therrien No. 14, Don Rahmlow No. 17 and No. 18. 

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