Social Security is under attack, again. Particularly disturbing this time is that it appears AARP is aiding and abetting the effort.

I recently found evidence that AARP has ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council. For those who don’t know, ALEC is an extreme right-wing-funded organization that creates right-wing policy and encourages politicians to pass legislation that is favorable to its members. It is no secret that ALEC would love to see Social Security funds handed to Wall Street for their fun and games.

Since that situation came to light, AARP has decided to pull back its ties to ALEC; however, it appears that it could be too little, too late, as it seems there are still ties with right-wing individuals who would love to gain control over Social Security funds. Evidently there is an advertisement on television in some areas of the country designed as a scare tactic for those who, like myself, are on Social Security. No, Social Security is not about to collapse, as the ad tries to indicate (among other lies).

It is disgusting that the AARP, an organization that is supposed to work for senior citizens, is involved in something that is just the opposite.

My response was to cancel my 24-year membership.

Earle Kasregis, Roxbury

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