Age (on Election Day): 73

Party affiliation: Democrat

Occupation: Retired

Community organizations:

DFD Russell Medical Centers; Leeds Municipal Democratic Committee; Leeds Historical Society

Hobbies, activities etc.:


I garden, and have designed and built (and still building) my own solar efficient home.

Family status: Married

Years in Legislature: 0

Clean Election candidate? No

Committee assignments wanted:

Veterans and Legal Affairs; Health and Human Services; Energy, Utilities and Technology


What is the most pressing problem in your district and what do you plan to do about it?

Because the state is sending much less money to communities for education, the burden to fund education is falling on property taxes. Seniors are hurt most and being forced out of homes they have lived in for much of their lives. This is unconscionable with an aging Maine population.

Gov. Paul LePage wants to eliminate the state income tax. Do you support that? If not, why not?

It is a give away to the rich. Those taxes pay for education, hospitals and health centers, help for our seniors, senior housing, emergency preparedness, etc., etc.

Are you willing to support raising the fuel tax to fix Maine roads? If not, why not?

Of course. We need to do that because it is the sole source for all our county roads and bridges, and with more efficient vehicles, current fuel costs are so low that they are not meeting our needs to maintain this infrastructure.


The relationship between the governor and the Legislature has deteriorated over the past six years. What can the Legislature do to improve that relationship?

The Legislature has already learned that they can’t win arguments with the governor. They are learning to ignore the governor’s tantrums, and are now trying to work together to find bipartisan solutions that he can’t veto. I agree with that approach.

What methods do you support to reduce opiate addiction in Maine?

The medical community is learning to use alternative methods to pain management — acupuncture, medical marijuana, etc. — before using opiates. Drug abuse in any form is a mental health issue which Mainers need more access to. If we expanded Medicaid, the Feds would help to pay for treatment.

How are you voting on the referendum questions?

Question 1: Yes
Question 2: Yes
Question 3: Yes
Question 4: Yes
Question 5: Yes

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