Age (on Election Day): 73

Party affiliation: Democrat

Occupation: Retired teacher, small business owner, farmer

Community organizations:

Rangeley Region Chamber of Commerce; secretary, Rangeley Library; Masonettes; Church of the Good Shepherd, clerk

Hobbies, activities etc.:


Raise Icelandic sheep, knit, spin, read, play bridge

Family status: Divorced, 1 daughter

Years in Legislature: 0

Clean Election candidate? Yes

Committee assignments wanted:

Education; Agriculture; Environment


What is the most pressing problem in your district and what do you plan to do about it?

Good jobs. I support raising the minimum wage because many of the jobs we do have pay so little people can ‘t live on them. Working people should not end up on food stamps, this is the taxpayer subsidizing the employer.

Gov. Paul LePage wants to eliminate the state income tax. Do you support that? If not, why not?

No. Income taxes are the one tax that is non-regressive, it is calibrated to ability to pay. The previous “cuts” in income tax have resulted in a net gain in tax load to voters, mainly in increased property tax.

Are you willing to support raising the fuel tax to fix Maine roads? If not, why not?

I could be. I would need to look at figures before making a decision. This is, of course, related to cuts in income tax reducing the money available to actually deal with legitimate state business.


The relationship between the governor and the Legislature has deteriorated over the past six years. What can the Legislature do to improve that relationship?

I am curious as to why the Legislature should work to improve the relationship with a gentleman who does not tolerate anyone of either party who is not willing to toe his line.

What methods do you support to reduce opiate addiction in Maine?

Increased education, increased mental health care and treatment options.

How are you voting on the referendum questions?

Question 1: No
Question 2: Yes
Question 3: No
Question 4: Yes
Question 5: Yes

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