Age (on Election Day): 66

Party affiliation: Democrat

Occupation: Town manager, about to retire.

Community organizations:

Northern Oxford Regional Solid Waste Board, administrator, board member; River Valley Growth Council, board member; River Valley Technology Center, board member; Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments, past president, Finance Committee; Maine Municipal Association, past president, Legislative Policy Committee; Maine Town and City Managers Association, member

Hobbies, activities etc.:


Enjoy gardening, woodworking and visiting all our children and grandchildren.

Family status: Happily married to Mary; 7 children, 18 grandchildren

Years in Legislature: 0

Clean Election candidate? Yes

Committee assignments wanted:

Appropriations and Financial Affairs; Taxation; State and Local Government; Veterans Affairs


What is the most pressing problem in your district and what do you plan to do about it?

Over the last several years, state government has significantly reduced funding to State Municipal Revenue Sharing and Aid to Education, causing property tax increases beyond our seniors’ ability to pay. I intend to work diligently to restore these essential programs to their original intended funding levels.

Gov. Paul LePage wants to eliminate the state income tax. Do you support that? If not, why not?

No. Our governor has repeatedly proposed to eliminate income tax and has also proposed to eliminate Revenue Sharing and other municipal programs. This can only be accomplished by eliminating local funds that will drive property taxes to unaffordable levels. Retired residents won’t benefit from a reduction in the income tax.

Are you willing to support raising the fuel tax to fix Maine roads? If not, why not?

Yes. Everyone driving needs fuel in their vehicles, residents and non-residents alike. Increasing fuel taxes to maintain our roads will be fair for all users and would lead to less taxes required from Maine residents. Less bonding, along with lower interest payments, would benefit Maine taxpayers.


The relationship between the governor and the Legislature has deteriorated over the past six years. What can the Legislature do to improve that relationship?

Relationships require cooperation and respect from both parties. The question should also read: What can the governor do to improve the relationship with the Legislature? Both branches of our state government must work together to solve the serious issues we face.

What methods do you support to reduce opiate addiction in Maine?

We must provide appropriate resources for treatment and recovery of addicted residents, education at the elementary schools to give our children a chance to stay away from drugs, and sufficient law enforcement to stop the flow of illegal drugs from entering our state.

How are you voting on the referendum questions?

Question 1: No
Question 2: Yes
Question 3: No
Question 4: Yes
Question 5: No

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