Age (on Election Day): 54

Party affiliation: Democrat

Occupation: Logistics

Community organizations:

Chairman, Chesterville Board of Selectmen

Hobbies, activities etc.:


Hunting, fishing, reading. I donate time maintaining historic buildings and historic cemeteries here in Chesterville.

Family status: Married

Years in Legislature: 0

Clean Election candidate? Yes

Committee assignments wanted:



What is the most pressing problem in your district and what do you plan to do about it?

Good paying jobs, there is a huge opportunity in solar power that is being overlooked. We could create jobs installing, maintaining solar power in homes while at the same time lowering operating costs for our homeowners. Solar pays for itself in less then five years and lowers our carbon footprint.

Gov. Paul LePage wants to eliminate the state income tax. Do you support that? If not, why not?

No, these tax cuts have been passed on to the homeowners as a result of lower revenue sharing. We need to concentrate on lowering property taxes as they finance the majority of our infrastructure. I haven’t had one citizen complain about income taxes — it’s rising property taxes.

Are you willing to support raising the fuel tax to fix Maine roads? If not, why not?

I do not support raising the fuel tax. Again cutting income tax and raising another tax is not lowering taxes. Fuel costs fluctuate with the stock market, so there isn’t any way to control those expenditures. Most of our state is rural, with many traveling over 30 miles to work.


The relationship between the governor and the Legislature has deteriorated over the past six years. What can the Legislature do to improve that relationship?

Sadly our governor doesn’t appear to have the ability to reason. Without that, there isn’t much hope of either party working with him. He has created a negative image for our state. With freedom comes the responsibility of behaving responsibly.

What methods do you support to reduce opiate addiction in Maine?

I would stop all drug ads on TV. The drug manufacturers need to put safeguards in place, for example, follow-up appointments with all patients every six months for two years that have been prescribed opiates, to be funded by the drug manufacturer. People addicted today are our family members.

How are you voting on the referendum questions?

Question 1: Yes
Question 2: Yes
Question 3: Yes
Question 4: Yes
Question 5: Yes

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