I have been an evangelical Christian for decades, raised in a Catholic faith I still hold in esteem. I cannot imagine how fellow Christians can, in light of recent revelations regarding Donald Trump’s predatory sexual comments — expressing his “celebrity” entitlement to grab women’s genitals he felt attracted to (with his wife eight-months pregnant) — can still find the moral permission to support him.

What mother of any daughters (or sons) can bless — accept or ignore — that type of conduct as a role model, an example, for children to follow? That is not one-and-out locker room banter. It is a link in an observable chain whose clanging sound is deafening.

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks,” the Bible says.

It should hurt all our sensibilities, all our hearts, that there is protective support for that expressed depravity.

No stand-up men ever talk like that.

Paul Baribault, Lewiston

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