Equestrians cleaning out barns

LISBON FALLS — Local equestrians are cleaning out their tack rooms for the for a tack sale set from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 8, at the MTM Center, 18 School Street.

There will be used and new tack for sale along with raffles, door prizes and baked goods.

Proceeds will benefit the Spurs 4-H group, which is based at RiverView Farm.

FMI: 207-522-1651.

Danville Grange meeting Oct. 13


AUBURN — Danville Junction Grange will observe Legislative Night when it meets at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13.

Resolutions to be acted on at the State Grange Convention will be discussed. Refershments will be served.

Members should bring clipped coupons for troops.

All members and guests are invited to attend.

Pine Cone Chapter to meet

AUBURN — Pine Cone Chapter 26, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13, at the Masonic Hall, 1021 Turner St.


The meeting will be preceded by an Eastern Star Training Award for Religious Leadership supper at 6 p.m. for a donation of $3.

District 4 chapters participating will be Pioneer Chapter 11, Lakeside Chapter 60 and Pine Cone Chapter 26.

All donations will go to the ESTARL program.

The chapter will honor all past matrons and patrons for their years of service.

Pine Cone has the traveling mascots for District 4 Jewel and Jo Bunnies.

All Eastern Star members are welcome.

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