ANDOVER — Students at Andover Elementary School had hands-on science instruction building boats and launching rockets last week.

First-, second- and third-graders were in charge of getting Johnny Appleseed across the “river” — a tub of water — in a boat made of 10 popsicle sticks and a piece of string. Every student was successful and learned to draw blueprints and some aspects of engineering as part of the experience.

Students in grades four and five built and launched model rockets. The school holds the activity every other year. Ann Marie Mahar pays for the rocket supplies and Roger Sabin assists in the classroom to educate students about the physics, chemistry and math behind rockets. 

Teaching Principal Karen Thurston teamed up with Sabin to share the history of rocketry and how rockets are related to Newton’s laws of motion.

Students were given a week to build the rocket, which included inserting the engine block, connecting the nose cone and parachute, and attaching the fins and launch lug. Their final task before the launch was decorating the rockets.

Participating staff said students had a great time working together with other classes and enjoyed the opportunity to create their own designs.

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