“Big money” is spending millions in advertising to buy people’s votes. Unless “Wall Street” can be convinced to revisit Main Street so that manufacturing jobs can return, voting is senseless. The government is taxpayer funded, but people’s homes are not.

People need to be better at managing affairs at home and get back to basics, as older generations did. The youngsters are getting too much too soon. A robotic world is in the making and people need to put a handle on that … now.

Children and adults are constantly texting. All that technology comes with a price. The new generation is getting lazy. Nowadays, people wouldn’t consider buying a vehicle if it didn’t have push-button windows or power seats. People mow their 100-by-100-foot lawns with riding lawnmowers, while their children are watching. It all promotes laziness.

More history teachers are needed so that people never forget their ancestry.

Big money in politics is evil. People should not be afraid to ask their elected representatives “What is in your wallet?”

Joe Voisine, Monmouth

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