BETHEL — Voters in Bethel, Greenwood, Newry and Woodstock will decide Nov. 8 whether to change their school district’s cost-sharing formula in two steps over three years.

A School Administrative District 44 Cost Sharing Committee, which is made up of one school board member, one selectman and one member at large from each of the district towns, is proposing to switch the formula as follows:

• 100 percent property value to 90 percent property value and 10 percent enrollment for fiscal year 2017-18; and

• 85 percent property value and 15 percent enrollment in fiscal year 2019-20.

Newry’s share would drop as a result, and the share of all other towns would increase.

The school board will hold a hearing on the ballot measure at 6:30 p.m Tuesday, Oct. 11, at Telstar High School auditorium in Bethel.


Woodstock selectmen will hold an informational meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, in the Town Office conference room.

Superintendent David Murphy said Newry pays more than others towns because their property values are higher.

The towns’ assessments to the district are:

• Bethel, $2.8 million;

• Greenwood, $1.05 million;

• Woodstock, $1.18 million; and


• Newry, $3.01 million.

Under the 90/10 formula:

• Bethel’s contribution would increase $173,736;

• Greenwood’s would increase $4,473;

• Woodstock’s would increase $90,217.

• Newry’s contribution would decrease $268,426.


Under the 85/15 split:

• Bethel’s contribution would increase $258,605;

• Greenwood’s would increase $6,709;

• Woodstock’s would increase $135,325; and 

• Newry’s would drop $402,639.

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to reflect the cost sharing proposal is being made by the SAD 44 Cost Sharing Committee, not the district School Committee.

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