DIXFIELD — Republican

has announced he is seeking re-election to his second term in the Maine House of Representatives for District 116.

The district is comprised of the towns of Hartford, Mexico, Peru, Canton and Dixfield.

He is being challenged by Democrat Sheryl Briggs of Mexico.

“Public service continues to be the cornerstone of my career,” Pickett said in a written statement. “If I am again blessed with the votes of my friends and neighbors, I will continue to listen to their needs and desires, and I will continue to place the best interests of the people above any party or lobbyist group.”

As a freshman legislator, Pickett worked on total illumination of the tax on military pensions and a dramatic lowering of the so-called “death tax” on Maine families. He also worked for and helped to pass a doubling of the value of Maine’s homestead exemption.


In his statement, Pickett said: “Thanks to a lot of good people working very hard on this, in 2017 the tax on every homesteader in my district will be reduced for the first time in many years.”

Prior to his service in the Legislature, Pickett served as a state trooper, a state police detective, and as police chief in Dixfield. His law enforcement background extends over 40 years.

He also served as a selectman, and was a member of the Planning Board, Economic Development Committee, Roads Committee, and Finance Committee in Dixfield.

Pickett is a dedicated family man, and has been married to his wife Debra for 45 years. Together they raised two children and are now grandparents to nine.

“My family, my district, my state and my country are always in my heart,” Pickett said. “The promises that I made to everyone in my district two years ago have been foremost in my mind throughout my service, and those promises have been fundamental in my every action. My word is my bond. I pledge to you that I will continue to offer good common sense solutions to our problems in the future,” he said.

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