WASHINGTON (AP) — Roundup of coverage of the U.S. presidential race (all times EDT): 

Hillary Clinton says she focuses on policy not flash

Hillary Clinton says she’ll never be as flashy as rival Donald Trump. And that’s ok, says the Democratic nominee.

Clinton is pointing to Trump’s Thursday interview about his health on the Dr. Oz talk show as evidence of what she calls his “showman” tendencies.

Clinton says she focuses intensely on policy details — a trait she argues should be important to a president.

“Like a lot of women, I have a tenancy to over prepare,” she says. “I sweat the details.”

Clinton is delivering a speech about her commitment to helping children and families in North Carolina. She’s back on the campaign trail after three days recovering from pneumonia in her suburban New York home.


Hillary Clinton says she put her recovery time to good use

Hillary Clinton says she used her time recovering from pneumonia to reflect on her plans for the country.

Clinton said that having three days in her suburban New York home was a “gift.” The Democratic presidential nominee said she spoke to old friends, played with her dogs and thought about the direction she wanted to take the United States.

She said: “Even I had to admit maybe some rest would do me good.”

Clinton made her remarks in Greensboro, North Carolina, where she was speaking about her commitment to helping children and families.

Clinton was making her debut appearance back on the campaign trail after a video showed her stumbling leaving a 9/11 memorial service on Sunday. Her campaign revealed she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.

Mike Pence meets with Greek Orthodox Church leader

Donald Trump’s running mate is meeting with the leader of the Greek Orthodox Church in America.


Indiana Gov. Mike Pence met Thursday with Archbishop Demetrios of America in the church’s ornate headquarters near Central Park in New York City.

Father Alexander Karloutsos began the meeting by talking about how the only church destroyed in the 9/11 attacks at the World Trade Center was Greek Orthodox.

Work is continuing to replace the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.

The archbishop posed for pictures with Pence, his wife Karen and daughter Charlotte before the meeting was closed.

Tim Kaine labels Donald Trump as elitist

Tim Kaine is suggesting that Donald Trump’s view of America is elitist.

Addressing a Democratic organizing event in Exeter, New Hampshire, on Thursday, the Democratic vice presidential nominee referred to Trump’s 2015 book “Crippled America.” It criticizes the direction of the country under Democratic leadership.


Kaine frequently blasts the book, saying it doesn’t strike the positive tone of “Stronger Together,” which he co-authored with running mate Hillary Clinton.

Kaine describes Trump as out-of-touch, saying the billionaire businessman’s philosophy is “a view out of the penthouse of a tall tower.” He continued: “I do not recognize this picture of our country. This is not who we are.”

Clinton herself has faced criticism for being elitist after suggesting half of Trump supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables.”

Donald Trump Jr. gets heat for Holocaust reference

The Anti-Defamation League is calling on Thursday for Donald Trump’s oldest son to apologize for making what appeared to be a Holocaust-themed joke.

In an interview with a Philadelphia radio station on Wednesday, Donald Trump Jr. accused the Democrats of rigging their primary system.

“If Republicans were doing that, they’d be warming up the gas chamber right now,” he said.


The ADL, an international anti-Semitism organization, tweeted Thursday that “trivialization of the Holocaust and gas chamber is NEVER ok.”

The group then tweeted that its members hoped Trump Jr. understood the “insensitivity and hurt” caused by his joke and asked for an apology.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Clinton campaign wants more info on Donald Trump’s foreign investments

Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman is calling on Donald Trump to provide more information about his foreign business investments.

In a call with reporters Thursday, John Podesta cited a report in Newsweek about the Trump organization’s foreign ties. He argued that the business dealings could influence Trump’s judgment in national security matters.

Podesta said this information was not included in Trump’s financial disclosures. He called on Trump to disclose his foreign business investments, pledge to divest from the Trump organization if he wins the presidency and to release his tax returns.


Podesta said it is “simply appalling that we don’t know more about the depths in foreign business dealings of the man running to be president.”

Tim Kaine pans Donald Trump’s child care plan

Tim Kaine is decrying Donald Trump’s proposed child care plan as outdated, saying it could discourage employers from hiring women.

Addressing a forum in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on Thursday, the Virginia senator said the plan Trump recently unveiled has “kind of has a 1990s feel to it. It’s not 2016.”

Kaine and running mate Hillary Clinton are promising 12 weeks of maternity leave for all employees. He said: “We treat everybody exactly the same, so there’s no disincentive to hire women rather than men.”

The Democratic vice presidential candidate said Trump’s plan, by contrast, offers six weeks of maternity leave just to women, which Kaine claimed could make women less desirable to potential employers.

Kaine said that, today, men often take leave to care for children as much as women.


Hillary Clinton skips detailed questions

Hillary Clinton says she is “doing great” as she returns to the campaign trail after recovering from pneumonia.

The Democratic presidential nominee spoke briefly with reporters on her campaign plane Thursday as she headed to an event in Greensboro, North Carolina.

She did not take detailed questions, though was expected to do so later in the day.

Clinton hasn’t campaigned since she became dizzy and dehydrated during a 9/11 memorial service in New York on Sunday. Her campaign later acknowledged that Clinton had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.

Donald Trump says economic growth will offset his tax cuts

Donald Trump is spelling out for the first time how much his plans for America’s economy would cost if he’s elected to the White House.

Trump says that his tax cut would cost $4.4 trillion over 10 years, including the childcare plan he announced this week.


But he says the cost would be compensated by economic growth, as well as an infusion of new money from trade, energy and regulatory reforms.

Trump also said he can save almost $1 trillion over the next decade by saving one penny from every dollar of federal spending on programs, excluding defense and entitlement programs.

Donald Trump wants to eliminate many government regulations

Donald Trump is laying out plans to dramatically scale back government regulations, including food safety and environmental measures.

Trump says he wants to eliminate the “Waters of The United States” rule aimed at protecting the America’s waterways, and scrap the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, which sets limits on carbon pollution from power plants.

He also wants to limit the scope of what his campaign dubbed “The FDA Food Police,” which oversees food safety.

Trump has said he does not believe in climate change science.


The Republican presidential nominee outlined his plans in a speech to the Economic Club of New York in Manhattan.

Paul Ryan says politicians should release tax returns

House Speaker Paul Ryan says he released his tax returns and “I think we should” do so. But he said he’ll defer to Donald Trump on timing.

Ryan was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2012 and released his tax returns at that time.

He made his comments in response to questions about Trump’s tax returns at a news conference Thursday. Trump says he won’t release his taxes while he is being audited.

Ryan said: “I released mine. I think we should release ours. I’ll leave it to him when to do it.”

Ryan also reiterated that he views Trump as qualified to be president.


He said: “Donald Trump won the nomination. Having a business guy as president is not the worst idea in the world, I’ll say that.”

Campaign releases Donald Trump’s health statement

Donald Trump’s campaign has released a letter from his doctor outlining the results from his latest physical.

The letter from Trump’s long-time doctor, Harold N. Bornstein, lists Trump’s weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and other numbers.

He concludes that Trump “Is in excellent physical health.”

The letter, released Thursday, is more detailed than one he had released previously that consisted largely of platitudes.

The release comes amid growing attention to the candidates’ health histories and after Clinton was captured on video stumbling.


Trump’s campaign appeared to refer to that episode when it said Trump “has the stamina to endure — uninterrupted — the rigors” of the campaign and presidency.

Mike Pence gives pep talk to campaign workers at Trump Tower

Donald Trump’s running mate is giving a pep talk to campaign workers and volunteers at Trump Tower.

Mike Pence, his wife and oldest daughter made a quick stop Thursday at the office where he made a sports analogy for the final two months of the race.

He told the story of congressman Jim Ryun, who was the first high school student to run a mile under four minutes. Pence said Ryun told him he would always “run through the tape” and not slow down at the finish line.

Pence says, “My only word to all of you is, ‘Let’s run through the tape the next 54 days.'”

Pence was to appear with Trump later Thursday for an economic policy speech in New York.


Donald Trump says women should have more access to birth control

Donald Trump says that women should be able to obtain birth control without a prescription.

The Republican presidential nominee said in an interview on “The Dr. Oz Show” that some women “just aren’t in a position to go get a prescription.”

He said they shouldn’t have to.

Trump said: “I would say it should not be prescription.”

Trump says that he remains opposed to abortion rights.

The interview was taped Wednesday and broadcast Thursday.


Donald Trump sees himself as 35 years old

Donald Trump says that, when he looks in the mirror, he sees a man much younger than his 70 years.

He said: “I would say I see a person that’s 35 years old”

Trump spoke on “The Dr. Oz Show” in an interview broadcast Thursday.

Trump said that he sometimes plays golf with New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. He said that when he’s with the 39-year-old Brady, “I feel I’m the same age as him. It’s crazy.”

Trump said that when you’re running for president, “you have an obligation to be healthy” because the job requires it.

Donald Trump stays “healthy” with speeches

Donald Trump says that standing at a podium, delivering his signature rally speeches, is one of the ways he stays healthy on the campaign trail.


The Republican presidential nominee says that delivering his speeches is “a really healthy act.” He was appearing on “The Dr. Oz Show,” in an interview that was taped Wednesday and broadcast Thursday.

Trump said giving speech is “a lot of work” and he’s “using a lot of motion”

He said: “I guess that’s a form of exercise?”

Donald Trump talks about selling foreign assets

Donald Trump is suggesting that, if he’s elected president, he would sell some foreign assets to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

The Republican nominee was asked during a call-in with “Fox and Friends” how he would respond to potential sanctions imposed on a country that might hurt his company or hotels.

He responded that he “would absolutely get out in some form.” He said: “If it’s ownership, we’d have to sell.”


Trump has a long list of potential conflicts of interest thanks to his dealings with foreign companies and governments.

Trump said, if elected, he would “sever connections” with his company. His adult children and executives would run it and not discuss it with him.

Other elected officials have put their assets in “blind trusts” to avoid potential

Hillary Clinton dodges questions about Colin Powell

Hillary Clinton says she won’t comment on emails sent by former Secretary of State Colin Powell attacking her for “hubris.”

Clinton was speaking on Tom Joyner’s morning radio show.

She said: “I have a great deal of respect for Colin Powell and I have a lot of sympathy for anyone whose emails become public.”


The emails were leaked to a website which has been alleged to be an outlet for hackers tied to the Russian intelligence groups.

Clinton said the email leak underscores efforts by the Russians to try to interfere with U.S. elections. She said she’s “increasingly concerned” by what she called rival Donald Trump’s “alarming closeness with the Kremlin.” Trump has frequently praised Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

Hillary Clinton says she’s open to talking about her health

Hillary Clinton says she wants to respond to “legitimate questions people have” about her health. Clinton says she was “touched” by the concern about her well-being.

That’s what she tells the Tom Joyner radio show in a taped interview broadcast on Thursday morning.

Clinton released a letter from her doctor on Wednesday declaring her “fit to serve” as president.

She has faced criticism about a lack of transparency after not revealing that she had been diagnosed pneumonia until a video showed her stumbling after abruptly leaving a 9/11 ceremony.


Rival Donald Trump is expected to make public more information about his health on Thursday. Clinton said he’s failed to “even meet the most minimalistic standards” for disclosure.

Donald Trump downplays being interrupted by pastor

Donald Trump says “something was up” with the Flint, Michigan pastor who interrupted him as he addressed her church on Wednesday.

Trump told “Fox and Friends” Thursday that he “got unbelievably good treatment” during his trip to the city.

But he said that “something was up” with the Rev. Faith Green Timmons, pastor of the Bethel United Methodist Church.

Trump said he “noticed she was so nervous when she introduced me.” He said. “She was like a nervous mess.”

Trump was interrupted and then heckled after he began to attack rival Hillary Clinton. The pastor approached him calmly to say she’d invited him to the church to thank the congregation, not give a political speech. Trump finished speaking shortly after.


Trump said: “Everyone plays their games, it doesn’t bother me.”

Donald Trump says he weighs 236 pounds

Donald Trump says he weighs 236 pounds — making him overweight for his height.

Trump said in a phone interview with “Fox and Friends” that he is 6-foot-3 and 236 pounds — giving him a body mass index falling into the “overweight” range.

Trump discussed the results of his physical ahead of the airing Wednesday of a taped interview with TV personality “Dr. Oz.”

Trump said his health is good, though he’d like to lose 15 pounds. He said his cholesterol is “quite good” and that he had “every single test” and they are good.

He said “If they were bad, I would say, let’s sort of skip this, right?”


Asked about reports that he weighs more than 236, Trump joked: “ay-ay-yi, it’s bad enough.”

>Hillary Clinton back to campaigning

Hillary Clinton is returning to the campaign trail following a bout of pneumonia that sidelined her for three days and revived questions about both the Democratic nominee and Republican Donald Trump’s transparency regarding their health.

Clinton’s campaign responded with a new letter from her doctor declaring her “fit to serve” as president and recovering well from her illness. The letter details medications she is taking, her cholesterol levels and other results from a physical exam.

Trump says he, too, plans to release details from a recent physical, though it’s unclear when that will happen and how much information he will provide.

In keeping with Trump’s unusual approach to transparency, he gave a one-page summary of his recent exam to Dr. Mehmet Oz while taping an episode of Oz’s television show.

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