LEWISTON — The Western Maine Labor Council will host a free public Labor Day barbecue from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 5, at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 567 Union Hall, 238 Goddard Road.

Workers, families, friends and community members are invited to celebrate working people and their accomplishments and to enjoy an afternoon of food and fun together.

The event will include local food and dessert. There will be a magician and children’s entertainment.   

“Working people are feeling squeezed this Labor Day,” said Western Maine Labor Council President Don Berry in a written statement. “The costs of food, housing and basic necessities continue to rise while wages have remained flat for most workers. That’s why working people are coming together to call for higher wages and an economy that works for all of us — not just the wealthy few.”  

Speakers at the barbecue will discuss Question 4 on the November ballot, which would increase the minimum wage, and Question 2, which would increase taxes for highest-wage earners to help fund education.

Local workers and veterans will talk about a veteran-friendly workplace initiative to help veterans in the workplace.

The event will be held rain or shine.

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