100 years ago, 1916
Many autoists of Auburn refuse to pay any attention to the standards which have recently been placed in the streets by the Auburn police. One man when accosted recently said that he should not be called to account by an officer, because part of the time he obeyed the signals and another man threatened to make it hard for one of the officers who spoke to him for disobeying the traffic rules. The police maintain that the standards are put there for a purpose and that anyone who does not obey the wording on them will be spoken to and if that doesn’t do, something else will happen.

50 years ago, 1966
A 10-year-old Lewiston boy suffered a broken leg Wednesday afternoon when he fell from a high ledge onto a rock pile near the Sand Hill Road. The boy was taken to the hospital by ambulance after he was rescued from the rock pile by police officers. Authorities said the boy and four other playmates were playing at the top of the pit. The injured boy reportedly dropped something near the edge, and when he leaned over to pick it up, he fell over the edge. He fell about 15 to 20 feet and landed on a 10-foot high pile of rocks. Two of the boy’s playmates ran to a nearby house and asked a woman to call for help. LPD Lt. Gerald Gilbert, Patrolman Robert Gladu, and Detectives Gerard Laroche and John O’Connell were first to reach the boy, and they lowered him down to the ambulance attendants from hand to hand.

25 years ago, 1991
Helicopters touched down, telephone poles went up, lumber came in, buzzing electrical ballasts went out — and the band played on. That was the scene Friday as Lewiston High School laid the ground-work for President George Bush to deliver his national back-to-school message here Tuesday morning. The smell of lumber and the sound of saws filled the Lewiston Regional Technical Center wing as platform construction got under way. Two wooden platforms are being built and installed in the LHS gymnasium over the weekend: a 4- by 10-foot presidential stage and a three-tiered press platform.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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