Xenophobe. Misogynist. Demagogue. Bigot. Narcissist. Liar. Those are some words that describe Donald Trump. He has no intellectual curiosity. He will make decisions “with very little knowledge other than what I have.”

He is set off by the slightest criticism. Trump readily insults people but cannot take criticism. He is only interested in revenge or demeaning those who offend him.

He seems void of empathy. He was more interested in criticizing Mr. and Mrs. Khizr Khan rather than saying their son was killed in action and as parents they made the ultimate sacrifice. When asked what he has sacrificed, he said he built his business. He doesn’t understand what sacrifice is.

His campaign is based on hate and fear.

Fifty senior national security officials say that Trump would be “the most reckless president in American history.”

Trump does not have the temperament, nor is he qualified, to lead this nation.

Stan Tetenman, Poland

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