The Lewiston School Committee unanimously voted to use $5,000 of taxpayer money, enabling Superintendent Bill Webster to take a three-month vacation — Oct. 24 to Jan.24, 2017 — when schools are in session.

What a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money and a poor management decision.

That use of money was not explained at the budget hearings on the recently approved budget. At a time when property taxes were increased to support needed educational concerns, that $5,000 should be used for educational supplies for students.

Too much of the budget is used for administration. After often being told that principals are overburdened and more assistant principals and teacher coaches are needed to relieve their loads, magically, two principals have the time to do part of the superintendent’s job?

A policy needs to be made that the superintendent’s 35 vacation days are not cumulative and must be used during the year or lost, as is done in many companies. That would ensure that the school department does not have a large bill to pay when someone leaves the job.

The superintendent has June, July, August and other weeks during the school year when the schools are closed to take those 35 days, and he should use his days.

The superintendent needs to put students first — that is what he was hired to do and what he repeatedly says to his employees. The superintendent needs to be on the job when school is in session.

That plan needs to be voted down at the meeting on Aug. 22.

Crystal Ward, Lewiston

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