It was a sorry, sorry spectacle to see more than 200 members of Congress (all Democrats) conducting a “sit-in” to protest Republicans’ non-support of gun control measures.

The Democrats’ hypocrisy in blaming guns instead of terrorists after every shooting is predictable. They are not trying to save lives or provide solutions. They will continue to try to confiscate all guns.


In 2008, Democrats controled the White House, the Senate and the Congress for more than two years. They did not present a single bill — let alone pass — to solve the mass murder problem “caused by guns.”

Some of the cities with the strictest gun laws are the most dangerous, with Chicago being a prime example, with 2,986 gun violence victims in 2015, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Most Americans, including gun owners, collectors and the National Rifle Association, support some gun control measures and background checks that do not violate civil rights. However, I have very little faith that the Washington, D.C., politicians and career bureaucrats will write sensible legislation with consequences and penalties for violations.

The war on drugs and the war on poverty come to mind as examples of federal government ineptness. Since 1964, various entitlement legislation has provided $22 trillion to fight poverty while the poverty level remains about the same. And we all know how great the drug war has been.

Senators and representatives should be wary of enacting knee-jerk legislation that makes them “feel good.”

George Jones, Otisfield

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