As the Sun Journal recently reported, the Rumford Water District is exploring a potential partnership with Poland Spring Bottling Company. Discussions with Poland Spring are just beginning and I would encourage the community to keep an open mind as we go through a rigorous and transparent review process to see if an agreement with Poland Spring makes sense for Rumford.

Doing what is in the best interest for our town and customers is the water district’s top priority.

Rumford faces challenges due to its aging infrastructure. A significant portion of the town’s water mains are more than 100 years old. Improvements are necessary, but those updates will be costly.

An agreement with Poland Spring could provide the water district with a new revenue stream which could offset the costs of updating our aged pipes. Given the economic challenges this community faces, we need to do our research and explore the possibility of working with Poland Spring. Ignoring this opportunity altogether would be financially irresponsible.

A strong opportunity could be on the horizon and our community should be engaged in its potential.

Residents are assured that any decisions made by the district must be in the best interest our local customers and the town we serve. That means that any water project in Rumford must be sustainable, whether in the preservation of the abundant aquifer that is the source of our water supply, or in our customer base.

Harrison Burns, president, Rumford Water District Board of Trustees

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