NEW GLOUCESTER — Selectmen on Monday agreed to proceed with amendments to the town’s Tax-Increment Financing District, which covers the Pineland complex.

Legal assistance will be required to complete necessary TIF amendments that would enable the use of TIF funds toward Public Works facility debt service in the future.

The information will be sent to the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development for preliminary review and approval. If approved, a town meeting vote is anticipated next fall with a final decision made by DECD by winter.

In other business, a public informational meeting on the proposed new town garage complex will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, June 27, at the New Gloucester Fire and Rescue Station at 166 Lewiston Road.

Also, a section of Morse Road between the railroad tracks and Pineland will be closed for reconstruction from Monday, June 27, to Labor Day.

The board focused on awarding committee and town employee appointments, and then elected the board’s chairwoman and vice chairman.


Linda Chase was unanimously named chairwoman by a vote of 4-0-1. Steve Libby was named vice chairman. 

The board named Jeff Hamilton Sr. and Donald Libby to the Board of Appeals. George Colby and Jeff Hamilton Sr. were named to the Budget Committee.

Richard Erwin and William MacGregor were named to the Cable TV Committee and Jean Couturier and Caitlyn Davison were named to the Land Management Planning Committee. The one-year appointment of Lawrence Zuckerman to the LMPC drew objection from Selectmen Laura Sturgis and Stephen Hathorne. Zuckerman owns property in town but resides in Gray. He was appointed 3-2.

Carlton Wilcox was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Committee; Jean Couturier and Erik Hargreaves were named to the Planning Board.

Allison Kostovick and Timothy Terranova were named to the Library board of trustees; Cliff Andrews, Phoebe Hardesty, Joanne McKee and Richard Allen were reappointed to the Environmental Resources Committee.

Ellie Espling was reappointed to the Public Safety Committee.

The board also reappointed Town Manager Paul First as tax collector, town clerk, road commissioner, welfare director, treasurer and Freedom of Access Act officer.

Charlene Meyers will serve as acting town manager in the absence of the town manager. Debra Parks-Larrivee will continue to serve as code enforcement officer/assessor’s agent, local plumbing inspector and public health officer.

Tim Joy will serve as emergency management director and Douglas Bowie will continue to serve as fence viewer.

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