DIXFIELD — The Public Works crew is rebuilding the bleachers at Marble Park, hoping to finish in time for summer sports activities, selectmen were told at their meeting Monday evening.

The 1.59-acre park at 46 Coburn Ave. was donated to the town in 1980 and is primarily used for baseball and softball games by students of Regional School Unit 10.

“Marble Park is used by a number of different recreational programs, such as Little League and softball,” Town Manager Carlo Puiia said. “It’s a town-used facility, not just used by the school. We know that it’s a short sports season, so we’re trying to expedite this as much as possible.”

He said Thursday that Public Works Foreman Randy Glover and his crew removed the bleachers and are planning to take them to the town garage “to do a complete overhaul.”

“Rather than just changing the seats on the bleacher unit, as requested, they’re going to completely refurbish it,” he said. “They’ll remove the boards, remove the old paint and rust, repaint the metal and check the welding.”

Barry Prescott of the Parks and Recreation board said he knew several people who would voluntarily install the new boards.


He said Dimension Lumber in Livermore Falls offered to supply 26 pieces of either 2-by-10 or 2-by-14 for $300.

Chairman Hart Daley said his concern was if someone got hurt during the construction.

“All we’re talking about is bolting some planks of wood to the bleachers,” Prescott said. “If that would save some manpower costs, we’d be perfectly willing to do it.”

Puiia said there is money in town accounts to pay for the repairs.



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