If anyone is having trouble deciding who is the better candidate for president, I have some comparisons:

Able to accept criticism (Hillary Clinton) or becomes angry at criticism (Donald Trump).

Knowledgeable about public policy (Clinton) or ignorant of policy (Trump).

Experienced in public service as U.S. Senator and Secretary of State (Clinton) or no public service (Trump).

Mature (Clinton) or childish (Trump).

Knowledgeable about other countries and knows world leaders (Clinton) or lacks such knowledge (Trump).


Respectful of women and of all genders (Clinton) or disrespectful (Trump).

A consistent churchgoer (Clinton) or has no apparent knowledge of religion (Trump).

Admired around the world (Clinton) or a joke to the rest of the world (Trump).

Has consistent standards and beliefs (Clinton) or changes beliefs from day to day (Trump).

Respectful of all religions and races (Clinton) or disrespectful of Hispanics, Muslims and others (Trump).

Has a well-thought out plan to help middle-class Americans, rebuild infrastructure, help college students, etc. (Clinton) or doesn’t understand how government works and does not have a plan (Trump).


Able to work well with others (Clinton) or plots revenge against anyone disagreeing with him and calls them names (Trump).

Has always cared about this country (Clinton) or has always cared about money and personal publicity (Trump).

Has been attacked for many years with rumors which have been proven false, but still keeps serving the U.S. (Clinton) or gets constant publicity from the media because he increases ratings with his racism, personal attacks, and allowing violence at rallies (Trump).

Ellen Field, New Gloucester,

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