FARMINGTON — In addition to validating a $32.97 million school budget, Regional School Unit 9 voters will have a second question to decide at the polls in each of the 10 towns Tuesday, June 14.

Voters will be asked whether they want to continue the yes-or-no budget validation referendum process in the district for the next three years.

A yes vote will require RSU 9 to continue to conduct a referendum to validate its annual school budget that is set by voters at a districtwide budget vote. The two-step voting process would continue for three more years.

If voters vote no, the validation referendum would be discontinued for at least three years. That means there would only be one vote conducted and it would be at the town meeting-style annual districtwide budget meeting.

The proposed budget for 2016-17 represents an increase of $929,273 more than this fiscal year, an overall 2.9 percent increase factoring in anticipated revenues and carryover money to offset the increase for towns. The proposed tax assessments to towns factor in the adult education budget of $404,103 set by voters June 1.


Proposed school taxes for 2016-17, if budget validated June 14:

Chesterville: $952,895, up $2,367

Farmington: $4.7 million, down $7,182

Industry: $823,075, up $4,066

New Sharon: $1 million, down $7,430

New Vineyard: $717,941, up $12,805

Starks: $365,065, up $23,936


Temple: $448,374, down $9,676

Vienna: $712,203, up $8,018

Weld: $518,649, up $39,514

Wilton: $2.94 million, down $70,999

Source: Regional School Unit 9

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