I read with interest the article March 16 concerning two Republicans running for register of probate in Androscoggin County. One of the candidates, Leslie Dubois, also happens to be the wife of the probate judge of the county.

Does anyone see a conflict here? I definitely do.

In my long professional career in the Air Force and then in several school systems in Maine, the rule was always that if there was even a perceived conflict of interest in a hiring process or other administrative issue, the action would not be taken.

I do not doubt the candidate is qualified — the conflict exists because she is married to the judge. As the head of that department, would she not report to him? I assume he would be her supervisor. Therein lies the conflict.

That is simply not done in business or government in my experience.

I am told that there are two other counties where the probate judge and registrar are married. I find that strange and wonder if it has ever been questioned by the Legislature or those responsible for ethics issues.

I realize that the register is an elected position, but it seems that the spousal relationship would render the individual not qualified to run.

Al Menard, Livermore

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