BETHEL — The Board of Selectmen will vote tonight on whether to approve the annual town meeting warrant and will discuss a request to take over a cemetery. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the Town Office.

Town Manager Christine Landes said the proposed 2016-17 municipal budget is $3.85 million, a slight increase over the previous year’s budget.

“A majority of the increase is due to our capital improvement plan,” she said.

“We’re planning on purchasing a new ambulance for the town, and we’re going to be making some upgrades to the Town Office,” Landes said. “We’re also planning to make some transfer station upgrades, such as installing a well and septic.”

The board will also discuss whether to assume control over the South Bethel Cemetery on Route 26.

Landes said the small association that oversees its maintenance asked if the town would assume control of the graveyard.


“They’re having problems keeping people in the association,” she said. “They assured me that they can hold on for the summer, but they’d like for the town to eventually assume control.”

Landes said she will bring the issue before selectmen Monday, but a decision would ultimately be made by residents at a town meeting.

Other items on the agenda include:

• Approving nominations to the Maine Municipal Association’s Legislative Policy Committee;

• Discussion on the Bethel Regional Airport budget;

• Discussion on the proposed mattress disposal fee at the transfer station;


• Discussion on property tax concerning 1085 Intervale Road;

• Public hearing on victualer’s license renewal for The Hitching Post Diner;

• Public hearing on liquor licenses renewal for Gourmet In A Pinch and Gideon Hastings House; and

• Public hearing on and entertainment permit renewal for Gourmet In A Pinch.

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