Being keyed up by the shenanigans of Donald Trump, a few questions come to mind.

How did this nation go, without gradual transition, from genteel presidential candidates of even the recent past to one outlandish boor in one leap?

Will Trump’s so-far successful campaign be a catalyst for breeding other unconventional aspirants into subsequent runs for the Oval Office?

I have to wonder if he purposely concocts verbal inconsistencies to instigate further debates and controversy, setting the stage for more attention, more chances to give battle and win?

Recently, Trump has showed signs of changing some of his previously stated positions. Could he be also running for the world championship of bait-and-switch tactics?

Should not the public be concerned, maybe alarmed, about the huge impact Trump is making, right in front of everyone, in all media forms daily, and in real time?

Norm Gellatly, Auburn

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