JAY — Selectpersons will hold a public hearing on a grant application to help train workers in making granite curbing at 6 p.m. Monday, June 6, at the Town Office.

The board voted Monday to support an application for a $100,000 job skills grant to help Polycor of New England, which owns a local quarry, to train eight prospective workers.

The June 6 public hearing will be followed immediately by a special town meeting to ask voters if they support submitting the application for the Workforce Development Grant Program.

Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said officials received an invitation to submit the application Thursday.

Polycor, a Canada-based company, is developing the North Jay White Quarry. It is in the process of building a plant off Old Jay Hill Road to make granite curbing.

It is the second year in a row the town and Polycor have worked together to submit an application for $100,000 for the Community Development Block Grant.

Polycor and Jay received a grant last year. Four workers were trained to be quarry operators. The grant would not cost the town any money. The town would be the applicant and Polycor would be the co-applicant.


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