Recently, I attended the Great Falls Forum at the Lewiston Public Library. Chip Morrison and Holly Lasagna presented an overview of the work done to date by the L-A Charter Commission. It is clear to me that they are doing a great job getting the facts together to help voters decide whether or not it is a good thing for Lewiston and Auburn to combine into one municipality.

I served on the Joint Library Committee many years ago. That gave me a glimpse into the difficulties the process faces. I have not yet made a decision on the proposed city merger. However, I feel that it is vital that the commission be able to gather the information and informed opinions it needs to complete the process.

I am disheartened by the Auburn City Council’s short-sighted decision to not allow city staff to assist the commission, and that a group headed by current and former city officials has already been formed to oppose the effort — before the facts have even been presented.

The community voted to have the commission come up with a charter. They should be allowed the tools and information to finish the job before anyone starts campaigning against it.

If this isn’t done correctly now, the issue will continue to be raised in years to come.

Let the commission do its job, present its findings and then voters can make their decisions at the ballot box. To do otherwise is a great disservice to the community.

Judith Gervais, Lewiston

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