BETHEL — School Administrative District 44 residents will vote on a $10.59 million school budget at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 31, at Telstar Regional Middle/High School auditorium.

They will also decide on a a $164,394 Adult and Community budget.

The school budget is 1 percent less than in 2015-16.

Superintendent said the three new articles on the warrant are:

• Taking $90,000 from the Capital Improvement account for roof repairs to Telstar Middle/High School building;

• Taking $116,000 from Capital Improvement to buy and install playground equipment at Crescent Park and Woodstock elementary schools; and


• Spending up to $370,000 from the Capital Improvement account to install carbon monoxide sensors and a pellet boiler system at Crescent Park Elementary School.

Bruce Pierce, a member of the Crescent Park School Playground Committee, said the committee has “worked very hard over the past few months interviewing four playground companies to replace the unsafe and outdated playground equipment at Crescent Park School.”

He said Landscape Structures of Minnesota met the criteria for a safe and all-abilities playground.

“The Crescent Park Playground Committee needs area residents’ support at the SAD 44 budget meeting so our area children will have safe and educational structures to play and have fun on,” Pierce said.

The articles will be voted on by residents of Bethel, Greenwood, Newry and Woodstock.

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