SUMNER — The Regional School Unit 10 board Monday overwhelmingly approved a proposed 2016-17 operating budget of $38.23 million.

It’s 4.2 percent more than this fiscal year and 2.9 percent more for the local share compared to 2015-16.

“We have cut,” Dixfield representative Barbara Chow said. “We looked through this multiple times and we’re realistic in our budget. We need to have the kids educated.”

Superintendent Craig King said cutting $10,000 or $20,000 here or there would not solve the budget problem, referring to the possibility of closing one or more buildings.

Chow added, “The state gives us less money and the federal government demands more.”

If voters approve the proposed figure, all but two of the 12 district towns would see an increase in their share of school tax. 


Byron would pay about $234 less, and Hanover about $8,600 less.

Seeing increases would be:

* Buckfield, $41,500;

• Canton, $9,600;

• Carthage, $12,150;

• Dixfield, $49,850;


• Hartford, $25,300;

• Mexico, $88,000;

• Peru, $18,600;

• Roxbury, $195,300;

• Rumford, $7,800; and

• Sumner, $35,300.

Higher-than-usual increases for Carthage and Roxbury are because recently constructed wind turbines have upped the towns’ property values.

An ad hoc Buildings and Grounds Committee has been meeting for more than a year to survey all district structures and recommend whether to close any.

Board member Jerry Wiley said action on that has been on hold because towns that once made up SAD 21 — Canton, Carthage, Peru and Dixfield — and Byron are considering withdrawing from RSU 10.

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