Roger Fuller is running as a Democrat for House of Representative District 59 in the June 14 primary.

Fuller is retired after 42 years in education as a teacher and administrator. He is a small business owner and a landlord in Lewiston and owns a property in New Hampshire.

He knows he will have big shoes to fill in replacing the highly respected Peggy Rotundo. She is termed-out after 16 years of quality representation for Lewiston.

For those who haven’t met Fuller, I can tell you he is “full of it” in a good way — full of enthusiasm, energy and commitment, plus he has a contagious smile. Most of all, he feels compelled to give back to the community.

People of Lewiston need someone who understands social, economic and other issues that affect seniors, working families and children.

I will be voting for Roger Fuller for District 59.

Diane Grandmaison, Lewiston

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