BUCKFIELD — At their meeting Tuesday, selectmen awarded contracts for the Zadoc Long Free Library front entrance project, according to Town Manager Cindy Dunn.

She said she expects the work to get underway soon.

The town received bids from four contractors for the three-phase project: Russell Brown, D & D Excavating, Daniel Smith and Ron Roy.

Phase 1 excavation work was awarded to D&D Excavating of Buckfield for $3,250, according to Dunn. The work should take 50 days to complete.

Phase 2 masonry work and Phase 3 iron work were awarded to Russell Brown for $2,400. That work should take 30 days to complete.

Dunn was to notify the winning bidders Wednesday.


As for when the work will commence, Dunn said, “I am hoping within the next couple of weeks.”

The Library Committee decided in October 2015 the scope of the project at 5 Turner St.

The first phase includes:

• Excavating the Loring Hill Road side of the library’s lawn;

• Creating three new parking spaces and two walkways leading from the parking spots to the front and side entrances of the building; and

• Removing a large shrub in front of the library; and


• Installing a Zadoc Long Free Library sign on the building’s front side.

The masonry and iron work is:

• Removing the first section of the stairs at the front of the building;

* Removing the two cement columns at the top of the stairs;

• Installing a wrought-iron railing and central railing;

• Replacing the stairs where needed and applying a nonskid coating.


In other business, selectmen tabled the issue of Selectman Maida-DeMers Dobson working as a ballot and/or election clerk.

“I did get some legal opinion back; however, it was last minute,” Dunn said about the correspondence from the town’s attorney at Bernstein Shur. “The board wanted to have some time to really look at it and absorb.” 

Selectmen also tabled the Municipal Center exterior lights project at Dunn’s request.

“I asked the board to table that because the electrician has got part of the information they are looking for but not all,” she said. “They will be addressing that at their next meeting.”

Selectmen also:

• Approved a pole location on Jordan Road for Central Maine Power; and

• Appointed Greg Forget to the Economic Development Committee. His term expires June 30, 2017.


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