KINGFIELD — The Village Enhancement Committee would like to build a village cultural center.

At their Monday night meeting, selectmen chose not to support borrowing up to $350,000 for a landscaping project at the center of town.

The committee has met over the past three years to develop a plan, but the plan costs and scope have changed. With a final budget to go before voters at the June town meeting, and the Budget Committee meeting once more before the warrant articles are printed, selectmen unanimously declined to recommend the borrowing plan.

They agreed that the final figures would be far more than the $350,000. With a projected 3 percent interest rate from a bank, the total loan over 10 years would cost the town nearly $406,000.

“I’m more concerned about what the whole town has to say about this,” Selectman Wade Browne said.

The town owns two large fields which could be used for community activities, he said.


The cultural center would begin at the Schoolhouse Gallery and extend to Rolling Fatties restaurant. The space would include paved parking lots and grading down to road at Skowhegan Savings Bank.

The finished project would include landscaping, a kiosk, flowers and a water feature. That plan includes rebuilding the intersection.

The plan didn’t appear to include functionality for heavy traffic during events and ski season weekends, Selectman Ray Meldrum said.

Selectmen unanimously declined to make a recommendation for the loan, agreeing that such a large loan should be discussed at the town meeting and could be voted on at a special town meeting.

The Village Enhancement Committee also needs funding for Main Street improvement projects, including $12,480 for storefront planters and telephone pole banners lining Main Street. The committee has $6,500 available through a grant to the town. The remainder of the money will have to come from the town.

The committee wanted to have the planters and banners available for the bicentennial festivities planned this year, Administrative Assistant Leanna Targett said.

Selectmen asked who would install the planters, plant flowers and oversee the yearly maintenance of the project.

“We don’t have a plan for the planters right now,” said Village Enhancement Committee member Brian Hatfield, who is also a selectman.

In other matters, Targett announced that the Appeals Board needs two members. For more information, call the Town Office at 207-265-4637.

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