Three of the five Dixfield selectboard members have taken a petition signed by more than 200 registered Dixfield voters, taken it apart and put forth their own version of it. That version will not allow wind turbines in Dixfield, even though two different lawyers have told the selectpersons that the town should go with state regulations on sound standards.

Once again, they have put their own views ahead of the views of the majority of Dixfield residents.

How long are people here going to stand for that? If the elected officials can’t do what has been asked of them, they need to set themselves aside or be removed for the sake of the town.

How can the town move ahead if those men continue to stand in the way? They don’t want wind power and they don’t want the people of Dixfield to have it either.

While towns around Dixfield prosper and grow, the people of this town are being left behind. The town is losing more than a half million dollars a year in tax revenue — revenue that could be used for scholarship for the schools, town maintenance, roads and projects such as sidewalks, ball fields, parks and more.

It has come time to change the board. Residents have a chance in June to change the future in Dixfield by supporting those people who will help and not hinder the town.

Peter Holman, Dixfield

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