LISBON — The Town Council voted 6-1 Tuesday to hold workshops to discuss whether to rezone Route 9 from residential to commercial.

Norm Albert, Eric Metivier, George Bickford, Chris Brunelle, Dale James Crafts, and Allen Ward voted in favor; Kasie Kolbe opposed the motion.

Those opposed to the zone change fear it will lower home values; those in favor want to be able to have home-based businesses.

“I would like to see this (workshop) done,” council Chairman Roger Bickford said, “because there is always someone trying to sneak something in.”

Former Town Councilor Mark Lunt asked councilors to think about how the change would affect homeowners along Route 9 and elsewhere in Lisbon.

“Many don’t even know this conversation is taking place,” Lunt said. Businesses such as used car lots lower home values and they don’t add jobs, he said.


“The workshop is there to vet this process,” Councilor Allen Ward said. 

In other business, the council:

* Voted 7-0 to enter a 36-month contract with Oxford Networks for phone services because the current provider can no longer maintain the town’s system. 

* Approved working on the network hardware at the Town Office, funded with anticipated savings from the current budget.

* Voted 7-0 to allow Public Works to solicit bids for $425,000 in paving projects, contingent upon final adoption of the budget.

* Voted 7-0 to authorize Public Works Director Ryan Leighton to buy a used chipper, culverts and ground speed controls for five trucks to provide better control over salt and liquid de-icing applications. Money will come from existing budgets, he said.


* Authorized hiring a contractor to replace the wooden fascia at the library and replace more bricks in the northwest corner. The projects are estimated to cost more than $51,550 and would be paid with $63,000 in savings from Public Works budgets and $5,000 in the town buildings budget.

* Voted 7-0 to authorize Town Manager Diane Barnes to enter a contract with Olver Associates for up to $25,500 to determine what types of wastewater the treatment plant will be able to accept in the future based on development needs.

* Voted 7-0 to approve a recommendation to designate two municipal officers to sign disbursement warrants for wages, benefits and municipal state fees.

* Voted 7-0 to approve a request by Fire Chief Sean Galipeau to award Rowe Ford a contract for a new car for $23,668. It was the lowest bid. 

* Voted 7-0 to authorize Barnes and Galipeau to buy a used vehicle for $20,000 to replace a car.

* Voted 7-0 to authorize Barnes to sign a Cooperative Service Agreement with the Department of Agriculture to stop Canada geese from defecating on the beach and pond at Beaver Park.

A public hearing on the school budget is scheduled for May 10 at the Lisbon Community School. The validation referendum is scheduled for June 14. 

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