FARMINGTON — A choir comprised of young immigrants from around the world will perform at the Mt. Blue High School Campus on Saturday and share stories about their homelands.

Pihcintu, a multinational children’s chorus from Portland, will perform at 3 p.m. Saturday, April 9, in the Bjorn Auditorium. They sing under the direction of Con Fullam.

Admission is free but donations will be accepted for the Western Maine Play Museum, said Betty Shibles of The Wilton Group, the hosts of the event. An ice cream social will follow the performance and the girls in the choir will join the audience to socialize, she said.

After seeing Pihcintu at a Maine Children’s Alliance event and the Kingfield POPS last summer, Shibles said she thought it would be good for area students in grade school and the college to hear them play and know more about what they have gone through.

Many of the young women have fled horrific experiences —  from wars, refugee camps, famine and political turmoil — in their homelands, she said. 

Pihcintu is a Passamaquoddy term meaning, “when she sings her voice carries far,” Shibles said.


The choir members have performed at The John F. Kennedy Center in Washington and received national recognition, she said. 

“They are beautiful singers — very gregarious,” she said.

The Wilton Group consists of “residents whose focus is to make Wilton more visible and attractive to new businesses and visitors,” according to its website.

Plans for the emerging Western Maine Play Museum include interactive learning and play activities mainly for children from infancy through age 8. Exterior construction to the Main Street property housing the future museum and development of a courtyard is expected to begin soon. 

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