LIVERMORE — Engineer Scott Braley of Plymouth Engineering told selectpersons Monday, April 4 that he has received recommendations from a state official on plans to build a sand and salt shed.

Selectpersons voted 4-0-1 last fall to use a laminated arch design, but when estimates put the cost at $400,000, instead of $300,000, they conferred with Braley, Peter Coughlan of the Maine Department of Transportation and Brandy Piers of the Department of Environmental Protection about options.

Braley sent plans for the shed to Coughlan and Piers, with Coughlan recommending the paved pad at the shed entrance be doubled to 50 by 50 feet, a large exhaust fan rather than two smaller ones, and an 18-foot-wide roll-up door instead of a 16-foot-wide one.

Selectpersons on Monday asked Braley to send them estimates for the two roll-up doors and for sliding barn doors, and have the mechanical engineer see which fan set-up would be less costly.

Selectperson Tom Gould asked about the depth of asphalt in the shed.

Braley said the sandy soil makes the site a good one. As long as the compaction is good, he said 3 inches would probably be fine and would save money. He said bid sheets should include the cost of a 3-inch base and a 4-inch base, or geofabric, in case there are problems when preparing the site.


Resident Johnny Castonguay said $400,000 is a lot to spend on a sand/salt shed. He suggested saving that money for other town needs. He also questioned whether the shed would be needed in the future if salt is no longer used.

Gould said a fabric building, which the board had considered earlier, is still an option.

At last year’s annual town meeting in June, voters approved $20,000 for engineering and design work and Plymouth Engineering was hired for $19,200. Voters, however, did not approve spending $265,000 to build the shed.

Livermore is on a state list of municipalities that have salt leaching into the ground. Without a new shed, the town will lose its contamination waiver and be required to get a Maine Department of Environmental Protection license.

The Maine Department of Transportation would reimburse the town 37 percent of costs of the shed if the town submits preliminary plans before the end of June. A construction loan at 1.5 percent interest is available through the DEP.

The plan awaits a response from Piers and another board review before bid specifications are sent.

Bids to determine the cost of the project are needed before voters are given the final decision on whether to build the shed. If approval is given, the town can apply for the state loan.

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