LEWISTON — The 15th Mount David Summit, Bates College’s annual celebration of student academic achievement, begins at 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 1, in the Perry Atrium at Pettengill Hall, 4 Andrews Road.

The summit is free and open to the public.

“Presenting one’s work is among the most important learning experiences for students who participate in the summit,” said Matt Auer, vice president for academic affairs and dean of the faculty.

“True mastery of a subject or topic includes not just knowing all the key questions and answers, but being able to effectively communicate this information to a lay audience, and to persuade that audience about the significance of one’s work.”

More than 380 students will participate in this year’s summit. During concurrent sessions in Pettengill Hall throughout the afternoon, students will present research posters, short talks, panel discussions, a photography exhibition, literary readings and video screenings.

The summit will culminate in evening arts events. So Hee Ki, a senior music major from Irvine, Calif., will perform a viola recital featuring music by J.S. Bach, Brahms and L. Fuchs at 7 p.m. in the Olin Arts Center Concert Hall, 75 Russell St. The event is free. FMI: 207-786-6135.


At 7:30 p.m. in Schaeffer Theatre, 329 College St., a concert by the Bates Dance Company features the work of student choreographers in collaboration with student lighting and costume designers. Suggested donation is $5. Visit www.batestickets.com or call 207-786-6161.

Among the many summit presentations:

Students will present more than 100 research posters in African studies, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, economics, education, environmental studies, geology, history, mathematics, neuroscience, philosophy, physics, politics, psychology, religious studies and sociology. Topics range from biomarkers for breast cancer to the environmental health of Lake Auburn, and from women in politics in Rwanda to drawing and literacy in early childhood education.

Research conducted with community partners and for the public good will be discussed by community-engaged research fellows who work through the Harward Center for Community Partnerships at Bates; and other students will present oral history projects on Lewiston’s Francophone heritage.

In short talks, students will discuss the role of memory in the rise of Vladimir Putin; politics students will examine contemporary politics in Turkey and the Middle East; students in other disciplines will offer new perspectives on Ovid, Chaucer, environmental justice in the Americas and stereotypes of Muslims in American television.

Creative writing students will read from their poetry and fiction; dance majors will discuss how they develop choreography; and music students will present their electronic music compositions using cellphones.

FMI: 207-753-6952, kobrien@bates.edu.

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