MEXICO — The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously Tuesday to dedicate the town report to their newest Boston Post cane recipient, Myrtle Milledge.

Milledge, who turned 100 in December, was presented the Boston Post cane, a plaque and flowers by town officials on Feb. 26 at the Rumford Community Home, where she now resides.

When the subject of the dedication was first discussed, Selectman Reggie Arsenault suggested dedicating the town report to Police Chief Roy Hodsdon and Lt. Dan Carrier in recognition of the outstanding investigative work they had done over the past year. He added that the suggestion came from resident Kent Mann.

Selectman Andy Dupuis then suggested Milledge, adding that he hopes that he is “as sharp as Myrtle” in his advancing years.

Selectman Jack Gaudet pointed out that while the department should be recognized, they were also “doing their job.”

Selectman Byron Ouellette said the town could recognize the whole Police Department on a page inside the town report. Arsenault then noted that the town could also recognize the Police Department next fall during the annual Night of Appreciation.


Selectmen then voted to dedicate the “In Memory Of” portion of the town report to Ferdona Spaulding Young, the previous Boston Post cane holder, who died at age 100 on Oct. 29, 2015.

They also voted that the cover photo of the town report be of the Mexico Police Explorers Post 364 because of everything they do for the community.

In other business, Mexico is searching for people willing to serve on the town’s Bicentennial Committee. Current members are Sheryl Briggs and Marilla Couch. Anyone interested is asked to call the Town Office at 207-364-7971.

Selectmen will meet with the Budget Committee at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Calvin Lyons Meeting Room at the Town Hall to begin discussion of the 2016-17 municipal budget.

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