TEMPLE — Voters at the annual town meeting Monday night elected a new road commissioner and provided additional money for paving and the sand and salt shed fund.

The proposed 2016-17 municipal budget was $498,312, similar to this fiscal year.

In the one contested race, challenger Toby Hellgren and incumbent Raymond Nile were nominated for road commissioner. Nile said he has been road commissioner for 20 years and has extensive knowledge of the roads.

Hellgren was succinct in his response.

“I just feel I’d do a good job,” he said.

Residents elected Hellgren to a two-year term as road commissioner by a 53-42 vote.


Others elected were James Holland to the Board of Selectmen for a three-year term, a post presently held by Jean Mitchell, and incumbent Betsey Hyde to a three-year term on the Regional School Unit 9 board of directors.

Mitchell was given a round of applause for her service as selectman. She chose not to run for another term.

Several residents questioned how the money would be spent in the paving account. A warrant article asked the town to raise and appropriate $35,000 for this purpose.

Resident and Road Committee member Jo Josephson asked what roads would be paved, and Selectman Austin Foss said the list hadn’t been determined.

Road Committee member Ronald Rackliff said that the amount raised for paving pales in comparison to what is needed.

“What about having some of the tarred roads revert back to gravel roads?” asked resident Peter Armstrong.


Josephson said a state consultant said it would cost more to revert to a gravel road and maintain it than to pave it.

The article passed as written.

Voters also passed $3,500 for the sand and salt shed reserve account. There is no permanent shelter over the town’s sand and salt supply, and Rackliff warned of the consequences of having the salt leak into Temple Stream.

“When that reaches the stream, we’re in serious trouble,” he said. “At $3,500 a year, we’re about 50 years away from having enough money (to build the shed).”

Other amounts that were raised and appropriated included:

• $24,600 for town salaries;


• $25,000 for waste collection;

• $14,000 for waste disposal;

• $85,000 for the road and bridges account;

• $108,000 for the snow plowing contract;

• $30,000 for winter sand and salt;

• $40,000 for the road construction account; and

• $20,000 for the Fire Department account.


“I just feel I’d do a good job.” — Newly elected Temple Road Commissioner Toby Hellgren

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