The Founding Fathers based the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution on the Biblical ideas of Judeo-Christian laws. This nation has been a Christian nation since its founding. Those fundamental documents were agreed upon and ratified and thus became the law of the land probably because the majority of U.S. citizens were moral individuals. They believed the “Golden Rule” is the proper way to treat each other.

Children were being taught by their parents to respect all authority, whether it was a teacher, a policeman, members of the clergy, or an adult neighbor. The Bible was used as a textbook in schools. Each day started with a reminder that God was good and that the U.S. flag represented a sovereign nation that was based on a person’s freedom.

All people were declared equal, just like in the eyes of God. Using the words “men” and “man,” as in normal usage at the time, has opened the door for activists to attempt to tear the Constitution down. The right of women to vote should not have been added — it was not needed. Civil rights should not have been added — they were also included in the Constitution.

God created us with a free will which allows us to do good or bad. It is up to us to choose, as individuals, how we are to act and treat others. But, we should do unto others as we would have them do to us.

Be kind.

William DuBois, Poland

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