WALES – The Regional School Unit 4 board Wednesday unanimously voted to approve smaller salary increases for educators.

According to the three-year agreement, teachers will receive no increase in the first year and a $300 increase for years two and three for those at the top of the salary scale. Those nearer the bottom of the scale will only receive a step up in the salary scale in years two and three.

Negotiations between the board and the RSU 4 Education Association have been ongoing for nearly two years and most recently included arbitration from an expert panel. The panel recommended a freeze on wages for year one, a step up in the scale for year two, a $200 increase in year three, and flat dollar amounts for those in the top scale. The association accepted this proposal but the board vetoed it.  

Nicole Camire, president of the Education Association, attended the meeting along with about 30 educators. She expressed her disappointment at the board’s refusal to accept the arbitrator’s proposal and the counteroffer made by the association.

“What’s baffling to the teachers in this district is the small increase in salary which won’t cost the district any money because of the amount of teachers who have left or retired,” Camire said in a news release. “The district is spending so much on lawyers to fight the teachers, all that money could have been spent on salaries…”

Lisa Daigle, a parent, asked the board to find out what is causing the teachers to feel disrespected and urged directors to “get out of their comfort zone’ and listen to the input from others.


Ben Redstone, a seventh grade teacher at Oak Hill Middle School, said teachers feel unappreciated because they are working without a fair contract.

Superintendent Jim Hodgkin read a letter that will be given to all staff Thursday, explaining his position in the negotiation process that prohibited him from talking to the teachers about the contract.

Hodgkin said the teachers in RSU 4 are amazing in the classroom and some of the best staff he has worked with. He pointed out there are two sides to every issue and he recognized the board for doing great things over the past seven years despite the struggles they have faced.

In other board business it was announced:

* A preliminary budget for 2016-17 presented by Business Manager Scott Eldridge showed an increase of $335,972 over last year. The board will begin reviewing it at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, in Room 133 at Oak Hill High School.

* Pat Doyle, principal at Oak Hill High School, presented student test scores in writing, math, and PSAT testing. They show positive results in writing and PSAT testing but lower scores in math, which Doyle is working to correct.

* Joseph Hinkley was appointed varsity lacrosse coach and Chad Richards was appointed junior varsity lacrosse coach at Oak Hill High School.

* Jake Haugevik has resigned from teaching at Oak Hill Middle School.

* Lawrence McCarthy has retired from his teaching position at Oak Hill High School.

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