GREENWOOD — The Bethel and Greenwood historical societies are collaborating to publish an annotated and illustrated book based on early 20th-century writings by Addison Emery Verrill (1839-1926). The book is to commemorate Greenwood’s bicentennial.

Verrill, a Greenwood native and renowned American zoologist, recorded his memories about the early history, natural resources, social life and genealogy of Greenwood in a series of more than two dozen articles for a local newspaper.

It will contain rare photographs and maps provided by Verrill’s descendants and is being edited by Herb Adams of Portland and Larry Glatz of Scarborough. Will Chapman of the Greenwood Historical Society is handling the formatting and layout.

The new book is expected to be available for Greenwood’s official bicentennial celebration in mid-August. After publication, it will also be for sale at the Bethel Historical Society’s museum shop and on its website. Donations in support of the project are being collected by the Bethel Society, and those who makes a financial gift to assist with startup costs will be recognized in the book’s acknowledgments section.

Herb Adams, a Maine historian and politician who teaches at Southern Maine Community College, will present a program about Verrill at the Greenwood Town Hall at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 1.

The event is free and will include an update on the bicentennial book project.

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